Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blogging Experience

Hello friends!!

To do a blog and post in it, is a brilliant idea for a English's course. Personally I learned to much writing in blog because I could say things about interesting topics. This is very important, the topics, they were very funny (not all obviously) and almost all of post allow to think about our career and about our University's life, about our future and our interests, I like very much it.

The most important advantage of blog is that I can write about topics that I am interested and I can write in blogs of my classmates, I can do questions to them. With their blogs I can laugh or criticize they have written it. Another advantage is that I can make the post in the house if I did not go to English' class and in the house I have a lot of time to do a good post.

The disadvantage is that there is a little time to do the post, only a few days.

Finally, my experience with the blog has been very good and I hope that "English IV" continues being like that (if I approve jajaja).

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My ideal Job

My ideal job would be to work like teacher at university and to teach Sociology. The sociology is very important to know what really happens the society and in all University careers is necessary to learn this.

I would work few hours to week and I would like to have a comfortable salary to live with calm.

Teaching is something that I like because at the same time I can teach to other people about sociological topics and also I can learn with their experiences. I like to learn and to know every day something new, I would not like to work in an office forever, because it's boring and mechanical, the important thing for me is to learn from the society and to help to society from the university.

The skills to work like prefesor is to have knowledge about the theories and sociological methodologies.

The salary is not important for me because I don't aspire to have a life with luxuries, I only want to have a comfortable life where I could do what I want and nothing more.

Finally I have to say that I wouldn't like to work at any university, I would like work in a good university, with good students and teachers, because in a bad university with low quality is not possible to create something new and only I can to repeat the theories that we know.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Talk Review

The topic of Robinson's conference is the school and the creativity of children. For him, the school spends(consumes) the creativity of children, Kel Robinson believes that this is really bad, because the creativity is very important to generate new knowledge.

For Kel, in the school the teachers teach us not to commit mistakes, in the school the mistake is punished and this punishes to the creativity too. The problem is not in the schools, is in the educational system and in the same society, the mistake is punished.

On the other hand, Robinson says that in educational systems there are hierarchies in the subjects. In the first places e can see the scientific subjects and in the second place the artistic subjects. Inside the artistic subjects also they can find hierarchies. Therefore, the educational system must promote the capacities of the students, because from children always they teach us everything.

Today the aim of public system of education is to create academicians. This aim shows us that the body is a way to learn somethins and not the origin of the knowledge. Finally Kel Ronbinson says that it's necessary to take care of human ecology because it's the wealth of human capacities.

Friday, May 29, 2009

My Future

In the future I will be sociologist and I will gain something of money. My dream of job is in the classroom, I would like to be a teacher and teach what I like it, the sociological theories and quantitatives methodologies. My life in the future would be simple, without luxuries and without basic needs, I would like to train a family and live with calm in a house in some place of Chile, maybe Chiloé, the place where I was born. I will have a small house, very pretty and nice house. In the future I would like to have money and, with it, travel for the world knowing beautiful places in all the continents, I like Greece, Carib, Egypt, Thailand and Brazil. In five years I would not be married and I would not have children, I would continue being bachelor. In five years I ill have a new life with responsibilities and money, already I would not depend of my parents. Still there are a lot of time to arrive to 2014 and many things can happen, only there is something sure, I will be Sociologist.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The best in your field

Pierre Bourdieu is the best sociologist. He is French and when he was young, he lived in a rural family. He is the best sociologist because their theories and the reality are very tied, Bourdieu sees from closely together the social events to speak about them. In their theory he explain that the people actions aren't results of the random and they actions aren't also a results of their subjectivity because he thinks that there are external factors to subject and they it determine.

For Bourdieu the history of the subjects is not special, is not particular, Boudieu believes that our life has common elements and common components, so my life and you life always is probable. Bourdieu believes that is possible to predict the life of one subject in the future, this is possible with his information's life and with his material conditions.

His publications are:
ociologie de l'Algérie (1956), La reproduction (1970),a distinction (La distinción) (1979), Homo Academicus (1984) and Capital cultural, escuela y espacio social (2003).

Friday, May 8, 2009

My dear career

When I was finishing the secundary my principal worry was my future and it was an important decision. So I thought for a long time about this decision, but my option was only one, the Sociology. Why? Because in my life always I'm ask questions about the reality, How? Why? Which are the reasons? For example, Why the people have to work a lot of time? Which is the sense of the life for us? The answers are difficult and I thought that with this degree I might answer it.

The sociologists are people very little known in the society because nobody need one sociologist for something in comparison with a doctor o lawyer for example, but their contribution is really important, the sociologist think about how it has a better society and the forms to do that, so they need (We need?) some things like the politics, and the politican people.

The information is the principal tool for one sociologist, the interviews and the surveys are the two most important tools to know something about the social reality, both needs methodologies and knowledge.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Photograph that I like

First I am going to comment to you that when I was a child I liked to take pictures and to be inside them, but now not. In my home there are many pictures because to my family likes it, the reason, save the recollections. I think that it's very good.
Now I'm going to comment about a photography that I like.
Searching for Internet I found this photography. Like you can see, there are two cows in the middle of the meadow. The really important thing in this picture is to see the content and the context that was taken the photography. The context of this picture is the Indian society (in this century) and in this society the cows are sacred, for this reason they are so well elegant.
Why is the Cow sacred in India? Because it is considered as Goddes of Wealth ¿Why? Because they provide milk which helps sustain life, life of adults and children. The by-products of the milk and yoghurt were an integral part of their daily diet.
For me it's amazing to see that in this culture, these animals are so important, What do you think? This picture was taken by an Italian photographer called Francesco Tosi.